the day you think you are desperate

2900736320_efec4ccf78_oThe day you think you are desperate – think about the day in the future that you will be more desperate. You never think it could be worse, but I’m telling you from experience it can. What could be worse? What could be better? When were you desperate before? Are you in the same place or a different place? Are you desperate about the same thing?

Desperation is not easy. It’s as if the world is going to end, even though you know it is not going to end. Lonely, bored, sad and afraid of what comes next. Desperation.

Desperate – having lost hope.

And hope is ridiculous.

I was reading Danielle LaPorte the other day and sometimes, she hits it just right – Replace “hope” with action words, reality words, intentional, faith-bounding, wide-open, change-agent hero words..

Losing hope is brilliant.

I hope someone saves me.
Not going to happen – I’ll soon resent them for saving me and end up right where I started.

I hope, I hope, I hope. Don’t hope, achieve, reward, do, go get, be it, breathe it. You are your own hope. Your hoping is hold in you back.

Desperate times often deserve desperate measures of change. Cut it off, set it on fire, let it loose.

Wake UP. Look out at your life, what’s making you happy? what’s not making you happy? Do something. Don’t wait. Don’t hope. Start now.


This morning I was ready to give up the dream and go back to NOT doing what I want to do, but just doing something, anything – someone please give me a job and tell me what I should be doing with my life, instead of leaving me here to figure it out on my own.




There’s no one there.

Here’s what making your life the way you want it looks like.

1 part LOVE, 1 part PAIN, 1 part AGONY – the outcome is delicious, at least I think it will be, which makes it all worthwhile, but there is no easy way. The ease is in letting go and trusting that it’s all going to work.

In the moments of soaring courage and devotion to making IT happen, you gotta stay, be present, be alive, don’t give up, have courage, go with IT.

In the moments of desperation, the I can’t, I don’t want to, I won’t, it’s not going to work.  That’s when you need to give up.  Give up thinking about those things, they have their place – let them come in and go back right where they came from.

I heard recently that a high school acquaintance died – poof.  Gone.

It reinforces my thinking that today is the only day we have – and today – I’m going to love my life, whether it is good or bad.  Today, I’m going to work on making my life the way I want it. To allow PASSION to drive me and not FEAR.

TODAY is the only day we HAVE.

Today – Love Your Life. Don’t give up – everything you were hoping for can come true.

What’s your passion? What one thing can you do today that will move you toward what you want?